Advance Directives

Advance Directives are legal documents that detail a person’s choices for end-of-life medical care and goes into effect if they become unable to communicate those choices themselves.  We encourage adult patients to complete Advance Directives regardless of your health status to ensure your wishes are known and honored as your life and health status change.  Speak to your healthcare provider for more information about Advance Directives.
Advance Directives for Healthcare -English Form
Advance Directives for Healthcare – Spanish Form


Durable Power of Attorney

A Durable Power of Attorney is a legal document that lets you give someone else the power to make health-care decisions for you.  This authorized person is known as your agent, and they should be familiar with your end of life wishes.  This document can be general or specific in what powers you grant your agent and can involve healthcare decision-making and/or financial decision-making.



A Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order informs medical staff that you do not want CPR or other life-support measures to be attempted if your heart or breathing stop.  This order only applies to resuscitation attempts by health care providers outside of acute care hospitals.
New Mexico DNR Order


Legal questions regarding any advance healthcare planning documents should be directed to a licensed NM attorney.